New Blood’s seemingly deadly finale, a shocking conclusion where the beloved antihero, played by Michael C. Hall, met his end ...
Dexter: Resurrection, a new sequel series starring Michael C. Hall, has begun filming and the first set photo has been released.
The franchise's new prequel series Dexter: Original Sin premiered on Paramount+ with Showtime on Friday, December 13. It ...
Dexter: Resurrection does not yet have a specific release date, but Paramount has confirmed that it intends to launch the ...
Michael C. Hall is fully supportive of Dexter: Original Sin, says showrunner Clyde Phillips. Phillips, 66, who was a showrunner on the original 2006 crime drama, which ran for eight seasons ...
That’s how we were able to resurrect him.” Michael C. Hall as present-day Dexter Morgan in the finale of Dexter: New Blood. Seacia Pavao/SHOWTIME. So if Original Sin is the flashback now ...
Original Sin, but five episodes in, it's pretty clear that the new series reignited fans' passions for Dexter – the original ...
Dexter: Original Sin is a prequel but it was a priority that Michael C. Hall be involved after previously playing the prolific fictional serial killer. “He’s an executive producer on the show.
Cleveland Browns defensive lineman Michael Hall Jr. was carted off the field with an apparent serious leg injury.