Everyone knows the Hulk is the strongest there is, but what is it that gives Bruce Banner his power? Is it scientific or it ...
Out of all of Marvel Comics’ classic characters, it's Hulk who most often called The Strongest One There Is. As such, Bruce ...
When it comes to the Hulk fighting giant kaiju, Marvel Comics has given Bruce Banner more than his fair share of monsters to ...
The King of the Monsters is set to rampage through the Marvel Universe in 2025, beginning with March’s Godzilla vs. Fantastic ...
A new clip from Captain America: Brave New World is giving fans our first, very, very shadowy glimpse of Tim Blake Nelson's ...
Gerry Duggan and Giuseppe Camuncoli’s Godzilla Vs Hulk and Joe Kelly and Nick Bradshaw’s Godzilla Vs Spider-Man, arrive in ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe feels like it’s in a rebuilding year. Things were on a bit of a downturn in the years after ...
Red Hulk has been a strong presence throughout all the marketing material for Sam Wilson's big screen debut, but, after ...
In terms of credits, Marvel lists the one-shot's contributors as writers Chris Eliopolous (also credited as an artist), Mat ...
Marvel Comics has announced a new limited comic book series Godzilla vs. Hulk , and it might just answer the 63-year-old ...