it's been almost as challenging as trying to go fist-to-fist with a boss fight when you've forgotten to stock up on Staminan X. Read on to find our ranking of the 10 best Yakuza games in the series.
Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii's flashy dynamic intro cinematics give players an idea of what kind of boss enemy they're about to fight.
Batman Ninja vs. Yakuza League will be making its debut later this Spring, and the new film is showing off a major mecha ...
Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii makes for a frenetic combat experience with its Mad Dog and Sea Dog styles, each holding their own merit.
Even if he doesn't strike frequently, it always hurts (Image via SEGA) Raymond Law opens up the final boss fight of Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii with a series of slow, but powerful ...
There are a total of four Dark instruments you can acquire in Like A Dragon Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii. Playing these cursed musical machinations will summon powerful animals that can deal massive damage ...
Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii layers over that familiarity with everything needed for a pirate adventure: a new dual-cutlass fighting style for Majima, a ragtag pirate crew to gather, ships to fight in ...
Then you actually have to fight ... formidable boss. While I made up an in-world justification for this power differential as I was playing – Majima’s still a god among ex-Yakuza, having ...