Which is all to say that his long-awaited ... is about as Majima a move as they come. Yakuza 0 didn't just thrust a fan favorite rival character into the co-lead spotlight, it also greatly revised ...
Although it's not the first game in terms of release, or in the official series running order, Yakuza 0 delivers everything ...
In Yakuza 0, we play as a two protagonists during ... Ultimately, Kiryu meets his new partners and finds out what happened to all the characters involved in the ongoing conflicts.
Here is the full list of characters that you can bond with in Pirate Yakuza. Noah is the first person that you can bond with in Pirate Yakuza, and his bond works a little differently. You can ...
While the story and characters of Yakuza 0 are fantastic, the game is greatly held back by its combat and leveling system. Kiryu's iconic style has been reworked and all but replaced by multiple ...