After being on Earth for over 200 million years, turtles have had plenty of time to determine what they can and cannot eat. Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning.
Snack time! People online were so sad by the way that one turtle was desperately trying to get into his human’s fruit snacks.
Whether you’re a proud tortoise owner or taking care of a playful aquatic turtle, understanding what your reptile buddy can safely eat is the key to good pet turtle care. Let’s take a look at ...
as well as turtle ecology and conservation biology. Ever wondered what these sea turtles eat? Click the video to find out more.
What does one man do when a softshell turtle invades his koi pond? Watch the fascinating video as he guides the turtle back ...
Turtles are semi-aquatic creatures that can be kept as pets with minimal effort. Their diet varies based on species, habitat, and age. Pet turtles require a balanced diet of meat, vegetables, and ...
Watch the heart-warming moment when two intrepid heroes save some baby turtles from the jaws of a hungry crocodile!
Juvenile green turtles, however, will also eat invertebrates like crabs, jellyfish, and sponges. While most sea turtles warm themselves by swimming close to the surface of shallow waters ...