For one tiny fraction of a second our eyes met. These were not the pleading eyes of a Weddell seal nor the shy glance of a crabeater seal - they were cold and evil with intent. What fear the seal ...
Bertie Gregory (UK) tracks a pod of orcas as they prepare to wave wash a Weddell seal. This pod belongs to an ecotype known as B1 - the pack ice orcas -identified by their characteristically large, ...
Japanese researchers in Antarctica are deploying Weddell seals fitted out with high-tech head-mounted measuring devices to survey waters under the thick ice sheet at the South Pole. It allows ...
Weddell seals are the most southerly breeding of all the mammals. Because they are air-breathing furry mammals, seals have to give birth on land (or ice). Seals can’t give birth in the water ...
Monachinae (Southern Seals): Weddell seal, leopard seal ... they have the tapetum lucidum membrane behind their eyes. This membrane helps them with night vision and it increases the light that ...