For the first time, scientists documented concerted carnivory by California ground squirrels. But why were there so many ...
Voles may be seen occasionally, though they prefer to stay under cover in shallow tunnels on the soil surface or to burrow right beneath the snow in winter, says Owen. Voles typically live in ...
Walnut leaves, in particular, emit substances that repel voles. Simply place a few crushed leaves into the burrow, and the pests will flee from your garden within a few hours. Voles are an ...
Rock voles are active throughout the season, day and night, possibly foraging more in the morning than other times of the day. A substantial part of their activity is subsurface runs or burrows.
When gardeners think of pesky intruders, rabbits often steal the spotlight. But there's another less conspicuous culprit, the vole.
It denied intentionally or recklessly damaging water vole burrows, but confirmed it had notified police of the incident. Nottinghamshire Police has confirmed it is investigating but would not ...
Chris Packham uses a man-made burrow to investigate water voles, which are one of the rarest burrowing animals in the UK and an endangered species. He explains how they like to spend a lot of time ...