Utah was the last state to have laws on its books barring Native Americans from voting, with their enfranchisement in the Beehive State coming only a generation ago. To Redhorse and Tara Benally ...
We want to take control of our own rights and our own children, and we’re very capable of doing that,” a Paiute Tribe member said.
But I believe the Netflix show missed the mark. I’m a Ute elder who has written about the history of Utah’s American Indians, and I have noted positive comments from some Utes, Shoshone and ...
He was in the little fight near the Three Crossings of the Sweetwater, where about forty Indians had a skirmish with nine whites traveling with the mail coach. Five of the whites experienced the ...
Correspondence of the New-York Times. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. About the Archive This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s ...
It was otherworldly to be in those buildings.” The Intermountain Indian School was open to Native American students between 1950 and 1984. Utah’s earlier Native American boarding schools ...
Falcons, eagles, hawks, and other species are returning to the popular Indian Creek to nest and raise their young ...
Several attendees at a rally for the Indian Family Preservation Act on Feb. 21 expressed that the events of the day had been pretty emotional.
Among one of the oft-repeated stats from the report, cited at Thursday's conference, is that though American Indian and Alaska Native people account for around 1.6% of Utah's population ...