According to Dr. Schmoll, the Earth's magnetic field has a north and south pole, just like any magnet. The sun does as well.
But last week, Manitoba, Canada's Justin Anderson might've topped them all by proposing to his girlfriend, Jenn Sutherland, under the northern lights. A digital creator and aurora chaser ...
The aurora borealis – commonly called the northern lights – are one of the most popular attractions in Fairbanks. The region is situated under the "aurora oval," and from late September to ...
If you're unable to view the northern lights in person, an online live view is the next best (and considerably warmer) thing. The northern lights are a truly remarkable spectacle, with curtains of ...
Take the Northern Lights. The cosmic spectacular has remained ... roads and byroads of Donegal in the wee hours of the night under a dark sky. Setting up a camera in the middle of the night ...
An early planetary projection indicated that the northern lights could be viewable in more than a dozen states across the U.S. the week of July 10 Skyler Caruso is a Writer and Reporter of PEOPLE ...
Some states near and along the Canadian border may have an opportunity to view the northern lights on Wednesday night, which may be the last chance for stargazers this week, according to the ...
Several northern states are forecast to experience some auroral activity Wednesday night, which could give observers in the right places a shot at seeing the northern lights phenomenon.
An upcoming geomagnetic storm will make the northern lights visible on July 24 Kelsie Gibson is the SEO Editor of PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE since 2021. She was formerly at POPSUGAR ...