Commentary author Hunter H. McIntosh writes that despite its immense ecological and economic value, the Tongass remains under ...
President Trump issued two new executive orders on March 1 to expand logging in national forests. They could affect Tongass ...
Trump’s actions are the latest chapter in a decades-long tug-of-war between conservation and development in Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest — by far the largest of the nation’s ...
The only other Capitol tree from Alaska came from the Chugach National Forest in 2015. Since there is a rotation among Forest Service regions for the tree, the Tongass was chosen when Alaska’s ...
After joining the Biden administration's push for younger-growth harvests, an Alaska timber association is asking the Forest ...
A designated wilderness area in Southeast Alaska’s Tongass National Forest, the largest U.S. national forest, is now a little bit bigger, thanks to a land purchase and transfer arranged by two ...
Reversing the Roadless Rule on the Tongass risks dragging us back to the destructive days of clearcut logging, and it’s simply not what most Alaskans want right now.
The Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association ... Service “undertake a Salmon Conservation Rulemaking for the Tongass National Forest to respond to recent run declines.” ...
Hunter H. McIntosh is president and executive director of The Boat Company, a nonprofit eco-cruise operation.
Trump's actions are the latest chapter in a decades-long tug-of-war between conservation and development in Southeast Alaska's Tongass National Forest — by far the largest of the nation's forests.