"We are able to measure the local dark matter density using direct acceleration measurements for the first time." ...
Pulsars are highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars emitting a beam of electromagnetic radiation from their poles, most commonly in the form of radio waves. The most rapidly rotating pulsars ...
Many more pulsars have been found since the first. They are believed to be rapidly rotating neutron stars with intense electromagnetic fields, which emit radio waves from north and south poles.
In the past three years, astronomers have discovered a mysterious new type of radio source. We call these long period transients.Author Iris de ...
Using the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa, an international team of astronomers has detected three new millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster Messier 62 (also known as NGC 6266).
Pulsars are highly magnetized, rotating neutron stars emitting a beam of electromagnetic radiation. They are usually detected in the form of short bursts of radio emission; however, some of them ...
The best pulsars are the fastest rotating, called millisecond pulsars, which keep time to better than a millionth of a second over a year. These sources rotate up to 700 times a second and are ...
The starburst-like diagram is called a pulsar map, because it shows the location of our sun relative to known pulsars. Pulsars are the rapidly spinning remains of dying stars—the leftover cores ...
Be stars also show excess in Infrared (IR) emission. X-Ray Pulsars are magnetized Neutron Stars. In Binary systems, when the Neutron Star enters the accretion regime, it starts to accrete matter from ...
The work of the research group focuses particularly on searching for and investigating fast-rotating neutron stars which are visible as radio pulsars. Their observation makes it possible to test the ...