The enigma of Roswell has been central to the UFO discourse since July 1947 when ... Alien life could be discovered if we ...
Ufologists Don Schmitt and Kevin Randle, who have been trying to uncover the truth since 1989, believe Roswell is the "one ...
The strike - dubbed "Russia's Roswell Incident" after the famous 1947 New Mexico UFO - was set upon by Soviet scientists, who made some remarkable discoveries. Locals descended on the crater near ...
Bonnybridge, a quaint Scottish village, has become the world's UFO capital with about 300 sightings each year, surpassing even Area 51 and Roswell in notoriety. Nestled within the so-called ...
Meanwhile, images show investigators in hazmat suits examining unidentified debris in dramatic Roswell-style scenes ... u-turn 24 hours later and said the UFO rumors had been a mistake and ...