There are nine public opportunities available throughout the Treasure Coast to observe sea turtles during the season.
whose eggs have been most predated by echidnas. The white-throated snapping turtle and the cryptic Fitzroy River turtle (Rheodytes leukops) are traditional nesters so seem to aggregate ...
Researchers from the Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) have partnered with Taribelang Aboriginal Corporation (TAC), WYLD ...
During this time, there are regulations to keep the sea turtle eggs and hatchlings safe ... Martin County Indian River County Some programs require payment or prior reservations to participate ...
1 in 1,000 turtle hatchlings are expected to survive after they're born. Sea turtles lay about 80 to 120 eggs. There are five Florida sea turtle species: Hawksbill, Kemp's ridley, Loggerhead ...