Lagotis is another object that can show how new telescope data can reclassify previously discovered objects. The reflection ...
This week’s small telescope target is the sky’s brightest reflection nebula: M78 in Orion. Through a small telescope at about 120x, you’ll spot an 11th-magnitude star. On either side of this ...
This is a reflection nebula (technically a bireflection nebula because there are two of them) and is seen in both the Hubble and JWST observations. That nebula is roughly 90 billion kilometers ...
The bright variable star V 372 Orionis takes center stage in this Hubble Space Telescope image, which has also captured a smaller companion star in the upper left of this image.
The Iris is a reflection nebula, a cloud of gas and dust illuminated by a central star. It's six light-years across, and lies 1400 years away from the earth. The Eagle Nebula is a young open cluster ...
These reflection and emission nebulae, along with other types of nebulae, make up some of the most interesting and varied objects in our local part of the universe to observe with a telescope.
A mesmerising image of the Witch Head Nebula, scientifically known as IC 2118, was captured by the Al-Khatim Astronomical Observatory in Abu Dhabi. The stunning photo, taken after an intense ...