can be linked to the dynamo mechanism operating inside the sun," co-author Zsolt KÅ‘vári explained in a statement. "The large-amplitude variations in the brightness of the red giant XX Tri have ...
The sun is slowly expanding. In about 5 billion years, the sun will enter the red giant phase. During this phase, the sun makes a transition from burning hydrogen in the core to burning hydrogen ...
Red giants exist for only a short time—perhaps just a billion years–compared with the ten billion the same star may already have spent burning hydrogen like our own sun. The brightest star in ...
A giant eruption covering 'over half the sun' shot at Earth That's what's happening ... might be lucky enough to see the Northern Lights. Red zones show where the aurora is forecast with high ...
A rocky start for Tiger Woods' new brand Sun Day Red is getting rockier as sporting giants Puma have filed an opposition notice over the logo. Golf's Big Cat is now facing opposition from Puma's ...