It is easy to show that two elements of different atomic weight must differ either in their chemical or in their physical properties. If elements are inseparable chemically their affinity A must ...
Isotope hydrology helps governments find and understand the source of their water supplies – so they can develop management ...
Promethium’s short half-life and lack of stable isotopes makes it difficult to study. In addition, promethium is difficult to ...
Atomic nuclei with “magic numbers” of protons or neutrons in their nuclear shells are extremely stable. Nuclear physicists ...
but the rate at which heavy and light stable isotopes react during physical or chemical reactions differs. The chemical bonds and attractive forces of atoms with heavy stable isotopes are stronger ...
Properties of thorium-231, thorium-234 ... or depleted uranium. Natural isotopes of uranium are U-238, U235, and U-234 (see table above for natural abundances). Depleted uranium contains less of the ...
Electron shells are mentioned. Two extra neutrons are added to make an unstable isotope which explodes at the end. This clip could be used to illustrate and introduce the concept of isotopes as an ...
One approach is to use isotopes to change the physical, chemical and technological properties of materials. Isotopes are members of a family of an element that all have the same number of protons ...
This Section implements all activities of the IAEA's Water Resources Programme, which promotes and transfers know-how on the use of isotope hydrology as an effective tool for water resources ...