"We have good reason to suspect that new physics beyond the standard model might be lurking just around the corner," Dev said in a statement. "Extreme astrophysical environments, like neutron star ...
For vector models of dark matter, equilibrium can happen in just a year. Regardless of the model, neutron stars can reach thermal equilibrium in a cosmic blink of an eye. If this model is correct ...
An. Moreover, the model shows promising applications across various research areas, including Be-type stars, accreting neutron star systems, and starburst-driven galactic outflows, demonstrating ...
"The detection of this signal has the potential to reveal what neutron stars are made of." Scientists have discovered a new way to probe the interiors of neutron stars by using gravitational waves ...
The neutron plays a fundamental role in the universe and its discovery was at the heart of developments in nuclear physics in the first half of the 20th Century. Prof Val Gibson tells Melvyn Bragg ...
When two neutron stars exist in a binary system ... of the cosmos made using a supercomputer and based upon the standard model of cosmology. | Credit: NASA/CXC/E. Troja This process creates ...