People often confuse narcolepsy and chronic fatigue syndrome, but these are the differences you should pay attention to.
Dear Dr. Roach: My question to you is about an affliction I have struggled with since childhood. Apparently, it is called ...
One woman shares about the narcolepsy symptoms that disrupted her life, and the journey to a diagnosis: "I'm living proof you can live a full life." ...
STUDY OBJECTIVES: To assess the presence of polysomnographic characteristics of REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) in narcolepsy; and to quantify REM sleep parameters in patients with narcolepsy ...
In other words, these orexins encourage neuron activity so that REM sleep is blocked and you’re awake and alert. This isn’t the case when you have narcolepsy with cataplexy. Narcolepsy is a ...
You generally enter REM sleep 60 to 90 minutes after falling asleep. If you have narcolepsy, REM sleep may begin within 15 minutes of falling asleep. Cataplexy, sleep paralysis and hallucinations ...
Discovered by Kleitman and his student Eugene Aserinsky, REM sleep is characterized by rapid movement ... In the past century, scientists have recognized several sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, ...