Prosecutors charged a Missouri man who was shot and injured by Kansas City police Friday afternoon. Steven Dockins, of ...
Steven E. Dockins faces multiple charges after a high-speed police chase in Jackson County ended with an officer-involved ...
The shooting killed 24-year-old Daijon Estell. Troopers were trying to serve an arrest warrant during the traffic stop.
The Missouri State Highway Patrol is investigating a police shooting involving the Kansas City, Missouri, Police Department ...
The Missouri State Highway Patrol is investigating the shooting, which happened around 5 p.m. in the area of East 11th Street ...
A police shooting in downtown Kansas City is under investigation Tuesday evening. The Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Troop A ...
At the request of the Kansas City, Missouri police department, the Missouri State Highway Patrol's division of drug and crime ...
Court documents filed Wednesday help piece together the details of a multi-state crime spree that ended in a police shooting ...
A KCPD helicopter tracked a vehicle that had fled from multiple agencies across state lines, moving between Kansas and ...
A trooper’s discovery during a routine traffic stop last month led to the rescue of a 6-year-old girl who had been kidnapped ...
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The Missouri State Highway Patrol (MSHP) is investigating a shooting Friday night involving officers with ...