In the remnant rainforests of coastal far-north Queensland, bushwalkers may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a diminutive marsupial that's the last living representative of its family.
Research suggests that early macropodoids likely adopted a bounding gait before transitioning to bipedal hopping. Small ...
Six of ten species are found in Papua New Guinea, in some of the last undisturbed rain forest habitat in the world. The Matschie's tree kangaroo is endemic to the Huon Peninsula on the northeast ...
The current efforts to preserve the species’ habitat started in 2016, when the Center for Biological Diversity and the ...
Flinders University researchers have studied the musky rat-kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus), a diminutive marsupial that weighs only 500 grams but is the last living representative of its family ...
A musky rat-kangaroo in the Atherton Tablelands, Queensland. Photo by Amy TschirnTo understand why kangaroos hop - a rarity ...
Conservation groups have reached an agreement with the developer of the Lytle Creek Ranch development project in Southern California to permanently protect 177 acres of occupied habitat for the state ...
The desert rat-kangaroo — a small marsupial species — was declared extinct in 1994. But, scientists believe it could be alive and “evading detection,” according to a new study. Photo from ...
Once again someone in Texas has lost their pet kangaroo. Luckily, this time a sheriff's deputy saw the Roo hopping along the road and was able to get it reunited with it's owner.