One-third of the dead at Jonestown were children; only 33 people survived Jones was a self-appointed minister and phony faith ...
One of Jonestown's quartermasters ... Repulsed by the sight of so many bodies, their faces fixed with the ghastly 'rictus grin' that cyanide poisoning induces, the preacher took the cowardly ...
How can a location like Jonestown, the location of the ghastly demise of its inhabitants by poison, their bodies left scattered in the open be a tourist site? What a way it was for Guyana to ...
When Tim Reiterman set out to tell the story of the 40th anniversary of the Jonestown mass murders and suicides, he didn’t want to retread territory he’d covered with previous anniversary stories, or ...
GEORGETOWN, Guyana — Guyana is revisiting a dark history nearly half a century after US Rev. Jim Jones and more than 900 of his followers died in the rural interior of the South American country.
His body was among the first to be identified ... in the men's room of a Los Angeles movie theater. What is left of Jonestown today? Nothing. The settlement has disappeared, the buildings ...