Animal lover Caitlin Doran used a bagful of yummy peppers to lure her giant pet tortoise Tiptoe of his comfy enclosure and into a tub that she put into the back of her truck. Doran and her animals ...
Moving a Giant Tortoise can't be easy — especially because ... Armed with some peppers to lure Tiptoe out of his enclosure and into their truck, Caitlin managed to get the tortoise out safely.
U.S. News Insider Tip: On the way to the ranch, observe giant tortoises harmoniously coexisting with cows. Upon arrival, savor a traditional Galapagos coffee with lemongrass. Also, seize the ...
Rahman said Asian giant tortoises are extinct across most of ... They’re now being kept in bamboo soft-release enclosures, where they’ll remain for six months before being fully released ...