Propel your career forward with an accredited graduate certificate. In the wake of scandals such as Madoff, Wells Fargo, Enron and others, the demand for Forensic Accountants has grown about 20% per ...
Law enforcement agencies often must rely on criminal forensics experts to acquire, investigate, and report on the electronic evidence of criminal cases. The certificate offers requisite training to ...
The curriculum for the Forensic Trends and Issues in Contemporary Healthcare Certificate examines contemporary trends and issues related to the wide range of interpersonal violence, crime and sudden ...
This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, and employability, in both the public and private sector cybercrime investigations. The Digital Forensics Investigation certificate is ...
It may also be used to build a strong foundation for doctoral and professional studies and offers the opportunity for students to pursue a Graduate Certificate in Computer Forensics that involves ...
Course of Study: Domestic Violence Prevention Available on-campus or online through the Online Graduate Certificate in Forensic Criminology. This certificate is designed for students with current or ...
The Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship at the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine is a full-time one-year training program that accepts two fellows per ...
The American Board of Professional Psychology also provides board certification in forensic psychology for forensic psychologists with a Ph.D. or Psy.D. who meet their professional standards and ...
An online forensic science bachelor’s degree provides students with an overview of forensic science and crime scene investigation techniques. Many colleges and universities, however, offer ...
Some occupations suitable for forensic psychology bachelor’s degree recipients require licensure or certification, such as substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors working in private ...