These images reveal stories about profound impacts – positive and negative – that we as individuals, and as a species, can have on wildlife. A group of visitors watch and take photos as a young ...
An unusual medieval gold seal with a gemstone engraved with an elephant carrying a castle on ... been acquired by Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery and more information about it has been ...
The newborn elephant at the Toledo Zoo, with 32-year-old mother Renee, was on public display Tuesday for the first time since being born Friday night. The Blade/Andy Morrison Buy This Image ...
"Elephants have always been part of our heritage. Elephant pictures in are seen in textiles, crafts, and temples," Sing, a 30-year-old resident of Xayaboury province, told Xinhua. Soutthipanya ...
Though their numbers are hard to quantify, this endangered species of elephant faces increasing threats from habitat loss, poaching and conflict with humans. Dhanu is based in Pollachi, Coimbatore, ...