Some of the best Civil War movies detail these skirmishes well as specific battles were highlighted with varying degrees of ...
and it has gained new currency thanks to the forthcoming release of Alex Garland’s aptly titled Civil War. The best of such films interrogate the nuances of the war and how it caught up with ...
where his huge army meets a smaller but infinitely more resourceful Confederate force. During this episode we witness the battle of ironclad ships, partake of camp life, and watch slavery begin to ...
The film is a comprehensive and definitive history of the American Civil War, and the recipient of 40 major film and television awards, including two Emmys and two Grammys. Heralded as an ...
It had been listed in a record of 7,200 silent films classified as "lost" Sonja Anderson During the Civil War, Confederates targeted free Black people in the North, kidnapping them to sell into ...