There are also significant impacts on electricity and water. AI energy demand across the globe will be greater than the ...
Gum arabic, a vital ingredient used in everything from Coca-Cola to M&M's sweets, is increasingly being trafficked from rebel ...
Colombia's president says cocaine is "no worse" than whiskey as global efforts to "decolonize" the plant spread ...
There is no evidence that Coca-Cola reported its Latino workers to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or apologized for doing so, as claimed in a widely shared narrative on social media.
When James Quincey became CEO of Coca-Cola in 2017, soda had broadly been in decline over its health effects. The beverage giant was embarking on an effort to diversify its reach beyond the sugary ...
Coca-Cola may have to sell more drinks in plastic ... who had called plastic pollution a "crisis".
Cola, or the calorie-equivalent amount of broccoli? Some scientists would tell you there’s no difference, because “a calorie ...
To combat plastic waste and drive economic growth, Coca-Cola Nigeria and its authorised bottler, the Nigerian Bottling ...