5 Chromatin segments found at loop junctions are in such close ... One hypothesis is that the DNA loops could determine which genes are switched on in the cell. Inside a nucleus, chromosomes jumble ...
the bundle of DNA and proteins that form chromosomes within the nucleus of cells. The scientists observed that chromatin self-organizes into "packing domains"—distinct, compact regions of ...
Chromatin structure is highly complex and impressively ... more directly with DNA and the different proteins within the nucleus. Because eukaryotic DNA is tightly wrapped around nucleosomes ...
To fit such a long molecule within the tiny space of the nucleus, DNA bends and loops in several ways. The largest of these loops results from the helical coiling of chromatin (the thick line in ...
The shape and mechanics of the nucleus are known to be influenced by internal factors, such as the organization of chromatin (the structure containing DNA) and the nuclear lamina (a network of ...
New research illustrates how a DNA repair protein suppresses senescent cells, reducing age-associated chronic inflammation.
Single-cell multiomic analyses reveal known and new genes and pathways involved in the development of germ cells and provide a discovery platform for the scientific community.
2. The resting nucleus consists of delicate chromatin threads or meshes, with some nodelike structures at the intersections of the threads. 3. The first indication that reduction is about to take ...
Yeast also has the same way of organizing chromosomes, while in humans and other mammals, each chromosome occupies its own specific region in the nucleus. "If we look at the average chromatin ...