We know adults can be easily influenced by what they believe to be a "normal" body shape, but it turns out children start ...
People start developing unhealthy perceptions of their own bodies in early childhood, a new study suggests.Kids as y ...
Our perceptions of body image are shaped by what we see from as early as seven years old, according to new research by Durham ...
Our perceptions of body image are shaped by what we see from as early as seven years old, according to new research by Durham University (UK).
By Stephen Beech Children’s perception of what is a "normal" body shape development from seven years of age, according to new ...
If we are shown a lot of heavy bodies, the bodies we rate as attractive get heavier and the bodies we rate as “normal” get ...
“Now we know that’s true for children, too. Even very neutral images can adjust their ideas about what is heavy or thin if they see enough of the same kind of body.” C-author Dr Amelia Parchment from ...
The study uncovered a "significant" shift in weight perceptions after exposure to images depicting various body weights. The results, published in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology ...
Children’s perception of what is a "normal" body shape development from seven years of age, according to new research.