Binning gum is not the solution either. Addressing gum as a plastic pollutant dictates that the prevention of gum pollution ...
Dentists and gastroenterologists reveal how regular gum chewing damages your jaw, disrupts digestion, and exposes you to ...
You could even (sorry!) be using mouthwash too soon after brushing your teeth. But surely lovely, minty chewing gum is a foolproof way to atone for other minor dental sins? After all, we know ...
Background and Aim Chewing gum proposal has been used in surgery to reduce postoperative ileus for more than 10 years; however, the efficacy remains imprecise. The aim of this study was to ...
Chew on this: Chewing gum can be good for you. Not only can it freshen your breath, it can help you overcome cigarette cravings, improve your memory -- and even help you lose weight. Contestants ...