A Zoo Miami cheetah was given a clean bill of health after getting some care. The zoo on Wednesday shared<a ...
SCBI’s first cheetah cub, Nick, with his foster sister, Maggie. Both cubs were raised by Maggie’s mother, Zazi, to increase their chances of survival. Smithsonian's National Zoo and ...
Three new zoo animals have garnered national attention thanks to a feature in a February issue of People Magazine. Cheetah sisters, Zola, Lulu and Pink, were showcased in the "smile!" section in ...
CHIBA--Visitors to the local zoo here can now witness the world's ... Chiba Zoological Park began its “cheetah run” on Oct. 13 and plans to hold the attraction once or twice a week.
Two male cheetahs, Ichabod and Lee, were successfully flown to Taronga Western Plains Zoo in New South Wales, Australia to become potential mates.