The Purple Heart is awarded to military members who are injured and killed in combat, through an act of terrorism or by friendly fire. It acknowledges the physical sacrifice of service to the nation.
U.S. Air Force Major Gen. David Lyons pinned the Purple Heart onto Harold “Bud” Pressel’s baby blue sweater in the hall of Post 605 of the American Legion in Dallastown Wednesday morning.
On Monday, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) awarded the Purple Heart to Air Force First Sgt. Adam Jackson, who was injured in Afghanistan more than 16 years ago. At the time, he was in the Army.
Army Capt. James McDaniel was diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury by doctors with the Department of Veterans Affairs after ...
Fort Carson solder Capt. James McDaniel was honored with a Purple Heart Tuesday for injuries received during combat in 2012.