Adélie penguins have unknowingly documented the changing climate of Antarctica—not in journals or fossils, but through their ...
Researchers conclude that Adélie penguins took over the Antarctic habits of seals when sea ice started to expand around 1,400 ...
Secret lives of ancient Antarctic penguins and seals uncovered Analysis of sedimentary ancient DNA has illuminated 6000 years of the lives of Adélie penguin colonies on Antarctica’s Ross Sea coast, sh ...
Ancient Adelie penguin colony revealed by snowmelt at Cape Irizar, Ross Sea, Antarctica Sep 28, 2020 Researchers find 1 million-year-old marine DNA in Antarctic sediment ...
ANALYSIS of the secretion from the nasal gland of marine birds indicates that the secretory mechanism is highly specific for sodium and/or chloride. Only very small amounts of potassium, magnesium ...